Thursday, October 20, 2011

Animal Lovers

Some people are suckers for infomercials. I on the other hand feel like emptying out my bank account every time i see animal cruelty commercials. I seriously want to cry when i see these. It has come to the point where I have to hurry and change the channel or close my eyes whenever they come on! It's like a preview for a scary movie! I can't look at it! It will give me nightmares. If this video doesn't make you cry... then i don't know what would!

Wasn't that seriously the saddest thing ever?!
Spencer and i are huge animal lovers! 
We are proud parents of an adorable mini "lemon" beagle. Patches!

She is spoiled rotten!
 Has perfected the "puppy eye" therefore gets whatever she wants whenever she wants it! 
But she is the BEST dog ever! 
Doesn't drool. {which is such a good quality}

She has to be touching you at all times {snuggly}
Does the cutest tricks.
Has the cutest little short legs.
And keeps me company when my hubby is gone. 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Roses and Lavender

Spencer had the day off. And of course i had to go teach 4 Zumba classes! I was so mad because i was looking forward to spending the whole day with my hubby.
--Okay let me clarify here--
Yes Zumba is only one hour. 
Yes it is quite the easy job compared to most.
Yes that means I would ONLY be spending 4 hours apart from my husband. 
BUT it gets tiring after your fourth hour of Zumba and not to mention how sticky, sweaty, and stinky you are afterwards!
Well after being so sad to leave Spencer to go teach yet another class. I was walking up the stairs to our door and i could smell the most amazing lavender smell. Opened the door, and saw this beautiful site! 
A dozen red roses!
What a perfect surprise! Just what i needed!
Personalized design by Spencer!
Although they don't last as long as i wish they would, I still LOVE flowers!
We don't own any vases, so he got creative and cut a pop
bottle in half and glued a beautiful cover on it.

Then Spencer led me into the bathroom for a pre-drawn hot lavender bath with rose petals
{sorry no pictures... i couldn't wait another minute! I had to jump in} 
I couldn't help but to blog about this one! Spencer: i am publicly thanking you for my extravagant roses! 
I love you! 

Sunday, October 2, 2011


His name is Spence. Her name is Jess.
He's a California guy. She's a true Utahn
He played sports. She danced.
He likes BLACK. She likes PINK.
He was a personal trainer. She is a Group exercise instructor.
He's 29. She's 20.
He loves popcorn. She loves chocolate.
He has  blue eyes. She has brown eyes. 
He was in Law Enforcement. She was a Tanning Consultant.
He drove a Mustang. She drove a Kia
He's 5'11. She's 5'5.
He has Brown hair. She has Black hair...for now.
He loves games. She loves blogging.
When He's hot, She's cold.
When He's cold, She's hot.
He's the youngest of 8. She's the oldest of 3.

He loves her. She loves him.