Thursday, October 20, 2011

Animal Lovers

Some people are suckers for infomercials. I on the other hand feel like emptying out my bank account every time i see animal cruelty commercials. I seriously want to cry when i see these. It has come to the point where I have to hurry and change the channel or close my eyes whenever they come on! It's like a preview for a scary movie! I can't look at it! It will give me nightmares. If this video doesn't make you cry... then i don't know what would!

Wasn't that seriously the saddest thing ever?!
Spencer and i are huge animal lovers! 
We are proud parents of an adorable mini "lemon" beagle. Patches!

She is spoiled rotten!
 Has perfected the "puppy eye" therefore gets whatever she wants whenever she wants it! 
But she is the BEST dog ever! 
Doesn't drool. {which is such a good quality}

She has to be touching you at all times {snuggly}
Does the cutest tricks.
Has the cutest little short legs.
And keeps me company when my hubby is gone. 


  1. you little emotional gal, you. crying at infomercials? haha. you are the best! too funny. miss and love you.

  2. Cute Blog, I myself and also quite new to the blogging world. You have a cute family! Love the pictures.

    xoxo- Brittney
